
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Interrupting Previouly Scheduled Post

As many of you know, I am very much an animal lover. I am currently lovingly owned by one mildly disobedient stubborn spoiled Welsh Corgi, one domestic ordinary though immensely spoiled and loveable cat, two parakeets whose job it is to drowned out dinner conversations, and seven caged (7) fancy rats.

Yes you read correctly, I have seven pet rats. While I’m sure many of you are less than keen on the idea of keeping these little critters let me tell you they have an amazing way of leaving huge footprints on your heart. My first, Ms. Touille, sadly passed away this July 4th weekend. She was a little rattie ambassador with the amazing ability to make you laugh and then steal your heart. She is the one who started my current obsession/passion for these little fur butts. She is very greatly missed.

Rats are very social and intelligent animals. They enjoy activities that stimulate them and keep them occupied. This morning I filled one of their balls with bits of granola and quietly put it into the cage while they slept. To prove that there must be some level of communication between them that humans are otherwise unable to hear, the first rat that came across the ball was quickly joined by two others.

The ball has little holes in it and they must roll it around to free the treats and thus a game of rattie soccer was underway. One of them quickly realized that if she put the ball into the food bowl that rather than having to chase a trail of treats they would remain contained to the dish. Each time she got a chance she grabbed up the ball and made a dash for the bowl. She would then quickly push the ball around the confined area to achieve maximum spillage until the ball was snatched back into play.

Who needs ESPN? Check out Cheerio Ball!


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